Friday, June 19, 2009

Frightening Fridays #5

Mark 6:15 (ESV)
And He said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation."

That is the reason I go out on Friday nights and seek to share the gospel with others. There is nothing brave in me (just ask the people closest to me). Every week I try to talk myself out of it. Every week I feel very brave and outgoing when I go over possible scenarios in my head, but I want to run and hide when it comes down to the reality of approaching a total stranger.

Tonight I went to the local mall to hand out gospel tracts. I handed out several tracts and failed miserably at a couple attempts of engaging people in a conversation about the gospel. I shook the dust off my feet and handed out a few more tracts.

As I wandered around the mall, I saw the evidence of a lack of gospel preaching in our country (it appears God has been forgotten in America), and it only spurred me on to continue in my feeble attempts as long as the Lord allows me opportunity and freedom to do so. I pray for a love for people beyond what I am capable of on my own.


  1. Have you ever thought about working with a partner? Either someone who hands them out with you, or hangs back while you're in the fore, so you can compare notes afterwards, and encourage each other?

  2. Well, yes I have (and been praying for that, in fact). Is that a volunteer I hear lurking around the blog?


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