Monday, June 8, 2009

Cookie Baking Night, Again

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Tonight was cookie baking night with the nieces and nephews (happens every other Monday night, barring holidays), just two kids tonight, Ethan and Carissa. We ate supper, baked brownies, read Bible stories, played games, watched some of a video. Fun was had by all.


  1. Hi Katrina,
    I was browsing the internet for ideas and this link looked like it had some good ideas
    I especially liked memorizing according to the divisions. For example in the OT it starts out with the Pentateuch (Gen-Deut-5 books)and then moves on to the historical books (12) etc. I prefer this method to the many cheesy songs that are out there. She also suggests some games that you can use to practice which you could incorporate into your cookie baking evening.
    May the Lord bless these times with the children.

  2. Thank you, Julie. That sounds like what I'm looking for. I like the idea of memorizing the books of the Bible according to the divisions as well. I will check out the site. I appreciate your research.


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