Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What Do I Think?

One fruit of regeneration in my life has been a desire to think about what I do and why I do it. That desire was not there for me before God saved me. In fact, that was the main catalyst driving me to examine my life and see if I was truly born again, truly regenerated. I used to give very little thought to why I did anything in life. And I gave no thought to what God or the Bible said about my decisions. I called myself a Christian but I made all my decisions based on what I wanted. It was that frightening realization (and the realization that if I had to make those decisions again I would have done it the same way) that one day (about 6 years ago) drove me to my knees, crying out to God in repentance.

Now I can't seem to shut off the thinking. I know that a desire to think Biblically is a fruit of salvation from God because it is not natural in me.

One of the reasons I am enjoying my notebook, What Do I Know About My God?, from my monthly Bible study through church, is that it is causing me to think Biblically. Every word of the Bible was put in there for a reason. The Bible tells us about God, His character and nature, and His expectations for us as people.

The more I know the Bible, the more I know God. The more I know God, the more my thinking lines up with His desires for me (a monumental task in itself but not too big for God).

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