Monday, June 18, 2012

A Few Days With A Niece 06/18/12

Last week, I took Thursday and Friday off of work. Emily spent the night Wednesday through Friday night, and I took her to the last two days of our church's Vacation Bible School program. 

Turns out Thursday was "dress as your favorite animal day" at VBS. When we found this out (on Wednesday night), Emily said, "Katrina, How are we going to make me look like a hedgehog? (or a unicorn?). Hmmm. Good question. I made a few feeble attempts at the aforementioned animals. Then, after a quick trip to Michael's (craft store), we decided to go with "the animal Aunt Katrina is most likely to come up with a costume for on short notice." We found a cute leopard headband (complete with matching tail), added a brown T-shirt, and some whiskers and, voila, animal costume.

Our church used Answers in Genesis' curriculum. This year the theme was called "IncrediWorld". I talked Greg and Emily into posing behind this roller coaster cut out, and they humored me.

Friday was Greg's birthday. So, after VBS, Emily and I went home and made him his favorite meal and a chocolate cake. (Happy Birthday, Greg!)


  1. Cool! Who won the contest? Tell Mr. Greg to et the VBS album up on the church website, as I can't wait to see them. I'm so glad it went so well!
    Missing ya'll,

  2. Hi Kyle,

    Good to hear from you.

    They didn't have a contest for the animal costume this year (I believe) just a special day for it.

    The VBS pictures are currently on the church website, homepage. Check it out.

    Here's the address for anyone else wanting to check it out as well.


Tonight I got my hair cut for the first time in 14 months. It's a strange and fascinating thing to watch your hair grow back from scratc...