Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tips for Growth in the Christian Walk

Right now I'm reading the book Growing Up Christian by Karl Graustein. I'm only part way through it, but so far I'm impressed with what I'm reading. The book addresses the person who grew up or is growing up in a Christian home. It challenges the reader to examine himself/herself to know if they are truly in the faith and not just riding along on the coat tails of their parents (my words).

I just finished reading a section called Tips for Growth. I found them all thought provoking, so I thought I would share them with you.

The following paragraphs are quoted directly from Growing Up Christian by Karl Graustein:

Tips for Growth

What can we do if we want to grow in our appreciation for the grace of God? Here are seven tips to consider:

1. Pray. Growth starts with God, and it is essential that we start by asking him for help
(Matt. 7:7-8). We need His help to more clearly understand his character as opposed to our sinfulness.

2. Study the holiness of God. The more we learn about God's holiness (Lev 19:20)--His separateness--the more we will appreciate His saving and forgiving grace.

3. See your sinfulness in light of God's holiness. To grow in our appreciation for the grace of God, we need to have an accurate view of our natural sinfulness and its offense to our holy God.

4. Learn more about God's wrath--His just response to sin. If we desire to increase our appreciation for the grace of God, we must understand the nature of the object of His wrath.

5. Think deeply and often about Jesus' death on the cross. When we understand the significance of Jesus' death on the cross, we will grow in our appreciation of the grace of God.

6. Study the doctrine of justification--forgiven and declared righteous. The more we understand about our salvation, the more amazed we will be at God's love and kindness toward us.

7. Sing great songs that focus on the grace of God. Worshipful songs and hymns are powerful tools that God gives us to praise Him and ingrain truths in our hearts.

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