Friday, June 5, 2009

Frightening Fridays (Week 3, part 1)

If you've been reading my blog on a regular basis you know that I recently attended some evangelism training in California (Ambassador's Academy through Living Waters/Way of the Master ministries), and you would also know that since I've returned from that training, I've committed to going out one night a week with the intent of passing out gospel tracts and engaging people in one-on-one conversations about the gospel. I've decided on Friday evenings for my one day a week, thus the title Frightening Fridays.

There is nothing in and of myself that compels me to do this. Every week I want to chicken out. Every time that evening approaches, I try to talk myself out of it. This week was no different. In fact, this week I tried even harder because I had a spot in mind that intimidated me. Recently (in the last week or so) the county completed the construction of a skateboard park within a park/playground/sports field area in our community. The project has been complete for only a few days, and the area is swamped with kids every time we pass it.

I couldn't feel more uncool or old than I do when I think of engaging in conversation with young people at that skatepark. It would have intimidated me when I was young!

But every time we pass that park (and we pass it on our drive to church), I'm struck by all the young people just hanging out for hours on end (no parents, just kids, lots of them). I ask myself, "Has anyone ever shared the gospel with them? Have they ever heard that message?" I don't want to take the chance that they haven't, so that is what compelled me to come up with a plan to visit the skatepark on Friday night.

Stayed tuned for details in tomorrow's blog post.

If you are reading this blog and you are not a Christian, please click on My Testimony in the blog archives section to the right of this post for more information on the gospel message.

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