Thursday, September 17, 2009

What I'm Learning About Evangelism-Part 3

This week, my posts are about what I've learned about evangelism in the last six months. Here's my thought for today:

Never underestimate the witness of a gospel tract. If you are doing nothing in the area of evangelism right now, I encourage you to start by handing out gospel tracts.

1. Find a gospel tract you like (one with a message you agree with, maybe one that presents the gospel in a similar style to the way you communicate). I like the tracts sold at Living Waters ministry ( I use them often.

2. If you don't think there's a gospel tract that explains the gospel exactly the way you would, then write one yourself (I've done that. I had my husband, a good friend, and my pastor proof it and advise me on it--Greg and I designed a cover for it on the computer. We took it to a local printer and had a large volume printed up. It was a relatively inexpensive process. I believe the Living Waters website also has a tool available for writing your own tract (haven't used it myself but I've seen it on the website under Resources).

3. Hand out gospel tracts when you are out running errands, eating at restaurants, standing in line somewhere. It's awkward at first (okay, always!), but it's not hard to do.

4. My own personal rule--don't leave a restaurant without leaving the waitress/waiter a gospel tract. It's a no-brainer. Note: Leave the gospel tract with a good tip--be generous, as God has been to you.

5. I have heard many testimonies of people who have come to salvation in Christ because of the witness of a gospel tract. I know a few of them. The tract usually asks a question or makes a statement that causes a person to think in a way they haven't before. The gospel tract also sticks around until the person is ready to read it (until the Holy Spirit works on their heart), which may be days, weeks, months, years. I've heard testimonies of people shoving the gospel tract in their pocket and then in a drawer at home but pulling it out months or years later, reading it, and responding to the message of the gospel in repentance and faith.

Never underestimate the witness of a gospel tract.

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