Monday, August 10, 2009

My Life As a Runner

If you know me, you're probably reading this and saying to yourself, "Katrina is a runner?" Well, yes, I am. But not that "ooh, she has the sleek physique of a trained athlete" kind of runner. No, I'm more of an emotional runner. When things get tough, my instinct is to run away. Lately, I've been convicted of the sin of this particular attribute. It is self protection plain and simple. As I am more aware of it, I confess it to the Lord and ask for forgiveness. When doing that I also ask God for the ability to lean on Him and not myself, as God's Word instructs me to do. God is answering those prayers. He has allowed me many opportunities lately to run or lean.

I am grateful God instructs me and disciplines me. I don't always enjoy the experience, but I am grateful for His love and His sovereignty.

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