Friday, February 5, 2010

Frightening Friday 02/05/10

The first question!!

Tonight I went to the mall to engage in some evangelistic conversations. I usually start out my time there by sitting on a bench and reading my Bible for about 1/2 an hour. Greg made a wooden cross for me with the question "Are You Ready?" written on it in large letters. I put the cross on the bench next to me as I read my Bible. My hope has always been to draw people with the question and hopefully start a spiritual conversation. This was my fourth or fifth time using the cross. Usually people walk by and read the question, some make eye contact, some avert their eyes.

Tonight a man stopped and asked me what I was doing. He also asked me what I hoped to accomplish with the cross. I told him I was hoping to have conversations with people about what happens to them when they die, which naturally led into, "What do you think will happen to you when you die?" He said, "That's a mystery." I asked him if I could share my thoughts on the subject with him, and he said I could. I then brought him through the law (a few of the 10 commandments) and the gospel (the work of Jesus Christ on the cross). He said he had heard about Jesus but he wanted to know how I knew about Him and why I thought it was true. I told him I knew about Him from reading the Bible, and I believe the Bible is true. He asked me where I read about it in the Bible, so I pointed him to the Gospel of John. I gave him a New Testament and opened it to the book of John. I also gave him a gospel tract and a "Why Christianity?" DVD. I urged him to repent and put his trust in Jesus Christ for his salvation. He said it made sense and he wanted to read about it for himself. We talked for about 25 minutes, and then he moved on to find his daughter in the mall.

Please pray for Miguel and that he responds to the gospel in repentance and faith.


  1. Awesome window open..

  2. Wonderful! May God continue to bless your obedience, the simplicity of your presence and presentation. The way it should be. We will pray for Miguel. Praise God!

    Paul & Kim


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