Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Checking In

Just checking in from the Biblical Counseling Conference in Lafayette. We are having a fabulous time! Kim and I are staying with a lovely woman named Mildred. She has been a most gracious hostess. Beyond the conference, we are learning much about being a godly woman through Mildred's example in the short time we've known her.

It has been long days and late nights. We are learning much about the Word of God. As we learn it, we are able to discuss and process it with those around us. We have met so many wonderful people!

We left last Saturday morning. Kim's mother-in-law, Val, rode with us. We dropped her off at her daughter's house (about 2 hours from the conference site) before heading to the conference. The conference will end on Friday, late morning. We will head back to pick up Val and then start our journey back home early Saturday morning.

We are excited to return home and be used of God with this new information He has allowed us to take part in.

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