Monday, May 18, 2009

Not to be Taken for Granted

Yesterday morning, as part of my morning activities, I checked my e-mail. I had received an e-mail from Voice of the Martyrs. It was called "prisoner alert". It's an e-mail that Voice of the Martyrs (a non-profit organization supporting the persecuted church around the world) sends out to alert other Christians about a fellow believer in another part of the world who is currently imprisoned (and being persecuted) for their faith in Jesus Christ.

At the time, I was preparing to go to church. I was reminded of the freedom I enjoy here in America. May it not be taken for granted. I pray God will continue to convict me not to waste this precious time of freedom while I have it.

Please pray for fellow Christians around the world who are being persecuted (physically and mentally) for their faith even as I am writing the words on this screen.

If you would like to find out more about the Voice of the Martyrs organization and the work they do for the persecuted church, check out their website at I would also recommend the book Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand (the founder of Voice of the Martyrs). I haven't been the same since reading that book. A free copy of it can be obtained through the above mentioned website.


  1. Katrina,
    I love being connected with you again. I am looking forward to keeping up and reading your blog. I need to be more faithful writing on mine. My address is
    Hugs and blessings. Terry

  2. I hope this organization is fervent in a mission to end all religious persecution, whether Christian or not. Remember that some of the greatest religious persecutions of all time resulted in the Holocaust of millions of Jews, and the Crusade killed millions of innocent Muslims. Religious freedom is should protect all people of faith, not just those we agree with.

  3. I would suggest checking out the link to Voice of the Martyrs.

    To clarify, it is not an organization fighting for religious freedom. It is an organization that supports the persecuted Christian church around the world.


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