Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ambassador's Academy

I've had a week off of work (last Wednesday through yesterday, Tuesday). Today, it's back to work for me.

Last Wednesday I flew out to California to participate in something called the Ambassadors' Academy, through Living Waters/Way of the Master ministry. The ministry exists to teach other Christians how to share the gospel with friends and strangers. The Academy consisted of a full day (Thursday) of classroom training with various speakers from Living Waters/Way of the Master ministry followed by two days (Friday and Saturday) out on the streets (including Hollywood Boulevard) putting to practice what we learned. We passed out gospel tracts, shared the gospel with people face to face on the street, and even did some open-air preaching.

I wanted to participate in this training because I have a desire to share the gospel with as many people as possible. I spent many years with a wrong understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ (my testimony is posted on this blog if you would like to read it). I don't want to take the chance that others have not heard the true message of the gospel. If it is rejected, then let it be done with knowledge of what is being rejected not out of ignorance to the message itself.

I came back home on Sunday and had Monday and Tuesday off of work. Today, it's back to work for me. May the boldness of the training I received in southern California go with me as I live day to day in Minnesota.

For now, it's back to work for me.............medical transcription awaits.

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