Thursday, July 2, 2009

Intense Girl

When I was considering starting this blog, I wanted to call the name of it Intense Girl (if I were a superhero, that would be my name). I really, really wanted to call it that. Greg reasoned with me and talked me out of it. In hindsight, that was wise (not every idea I have is a good one--godly counsel is much needed in my life).

I'm intense, and I know it (pretty sure those close to me know it as well). God has designed me that way. It's not a fun quality to have at dinner parties, but it is the quality that puts blinders on the side of my head and gives me a tunnel-vision focus toward evangelism. It is the quality that drives me to learn more about the persecuted church and to weep (literally) with each new story of sacrifice and devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ. It is also the quality that hinders me in exhibiting mercy and compassion in all situations (and not just those I find interesting and worthy).

It is the quality that keeps me in constant prayer to God and aware of my utter dependence upon Him. For that, I am grateful.

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