Friday, July 31, 2009

Frightening Friday 7/31

This week, we (Greg and I) went to a skatepark in a neighboring city in an effort to engage a few people in conversation about the gospel.

I had conversations with several very pleasant young men. I was able to present the gospel a couple times and hand out a few gospel tracts. Please pray for these young men as they consider the information they heard this evening.

I was about 10 minutes into a conversation with a very inquisitive young man when I noticed he had a couple tattoos. The tattoo on his neck showed the words "God's child". There was also a large tattoo of a cross on the inside of his arm that read "only God can judge". And judge He will. In fact, most of our conversation this evening was about that subject. It started with this question, "When you stand before God on the day of judgment, will He find you innocent or guilty of breaking His laws?" We went through a few of the 10 commandments to identify God's standard of goodness and to determine if these young men had kept the commandments. When we established they had broken God's laws and that the punishment for that is an eternity in Hell, I then shared the good news of the gospel. I was able to share that God in His mercy sent His Son (fully God, fully man) to die on a cross for our sins. Jesus took the punishment for us. It was a legal transaction. We broke the laws, Jesus paid our fine. The proper response to this amazingly kind offer would be to repent of your sins (turn from them) and believe (put your trust in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation). I pray they will do just that.

If you are on this blog for the first time because you received a gospel tract from me, please check out the "My Testimony" post under the blog archives for May and "My Favorite Links" on the right side of this page for other resources.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for having the courage to reach out even when frightened!


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