Friday, July 3, 2009

Freedom Friday (and Saturday)

For the 4th of July holiday, I will be combining my Friday and Saturday posts.

I didn't engage in my usual (for the last 5 weeks anyway) Friday night routine this evening (of going out and seeking to intentionally share the gospel with others). Our town sets off fireworks the day before the holiday each year. It was my desire to hand out gospel tracts as we made our way to and from that event. I handed out a few gospel tracts (very few), and learned a few things as well.

* It's good to set a goal. Decide ahead of time how many tracts you will hand out and aim for that goal (with the idea of engaging people in a conversation about the gospel if the opportunity presents itself, as well).

* I've attended a couple of events this summer with the goal of evangelizing and engaging in conversations about the gospel (fairs, festivals, carnivals, and the like). I'm finding that it is better (with my personality anyway) to attend the event for the sole purpose of evangelism or attend the event with the sole purpose of attending the event. When I split my attention between the two, neither one is done well.

In closing I will say, I know I want to spend some time over this 4th of July/Indepedence Day holiday sharing the good news of the gospel with those who may not have heard it, because I can. God has allowed me that freedom in America, and I don't want to take it for granted. There is no guarantee of how long that freedom will last.

Happy 4th of July! Don't neglect the opportunity to exercise your freedom, and may the Lord use you greatly!

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