Sunday, July 25, 2010

Evangelism Evening

This weekend I went to visit my friend, Betsy, in Wisconsin. Betsy had arranged an outing with her friend, Amy, who leads a group of junior high girls at her church. The plan was to take several girls to Wisconsin Dells, WI (about an hour and a half from Betsy's home) on Saturday to pass out gospel tracts and share the gospel with people we met. Only one of the junior high girls was able to make it. So, we headed off to Wisconsin Dells, the four of us--myself, Betsy, Amy, and Jessi.

It was my first time in Wisonsin Dells. It is a tourist town known for its water parks. There is also a main strip in town that is host to all kinds of candy shops, restaurants, and tourist attractions. The plan was to walk up and down the streets, hand out gospel tracts, and seek to engage in conversations about the gospel.

Before lunch, we walked around in a group of four and handed out gospel tracts. After lunch, we split up into two groups and each took a side of the street so we could more easily approach people for conversation. I took Jessi with me. Jessi is 13 years old. She did a great job. I introduced her to the optical illusion gospel tract, and she went to town with it. We started a few conversations but didn't get very far with them before being dismissed. We did have the opportunity to encourage a few Christians and challenge a few professing Christians in conversation along the way. Betsy and Amy had a little more success with gospel-giving conversations across the street. Of this I am sure, the gospel was given to many, many people today (whether in written or verbal form). I pray God will use it greatly to draw people unto Him.

It was a great day!

Regretfully, in my excitement to pack up gospel tracts for the day trip, I left my camera at Betsy's house for the day, so I don't have a picture of the whole group together. When we returned, Betsy's dad graciously took a picture of the two of us (which you will see at the top of this post).

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katrina, Thanks for coming over to witness with us. It was a blessing! Betsy


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