Saturday, July 3, 2010

Evangelism Evening 07/03/10

Tonight, Greg and I headed out to the local 4th of July fireworks gathering to pass out gospel tracts.

In our area, the fireworks display is done from the high school (about 2 miles from our house), and it is always held on the day before the holiday. A couple hours before the fireworks display is scheduled, people start showing up by the car/truck/van loads to get a good spot.

They gather in the library parking lot and surrounding field across the street. It's a time when hundreds of people are just sitting around killing time. A perfect time to walk around and hand out gospel tracts.

My photographer was with me this evening, so we have a few pictures of the event.
I post these pictures this evening so that you can see that this is relatively easy to do. If the quiet girl on the block can do this, then I assure you, you can too. I was using the optical illusion and the 4th of July million dollar bill gospel tracts.
My prayer is that the people who received the gospel this evening will take the message home and in their quiet and sober moments read the gospel message. I pray that God will grant them the gift of repentance and they will put their trust in Christ alone for their salvation.


  1. Thanks for sharing this.

    In a moment of temporary insanity I went through a McDonald's drive-thru today to get some "food." (And, yes, I meant to put that in quotes. Yuck!) Anyway, I gave out my first tract at a drive-thru. It was not hard at all. What have I been waiting for!?

  2. Oh, and you need to change your "Blog Schedule" from "Frightening Friday" to "Evangelism Evening." :-) :-)

  3. Jenny,

    Concerning the tract in the drive-thru: Yay! You're on your way. Practice is the key.

    Concerning the blog schedule: Right you are. Thanks for pointing that out to me. A few things needed to be tended to in that section, so I have updated them.

  4. NOTHING in the realm of street evangelism can be easier than handing out gospel tracts to people. God is with those who do, as well.

    When I hear a Christian say that they could not pass out tracts for FEAR of what the receiver might think of them, I express my thoughts of our brothers an sisters in Christ in so many countries around the world where their form of obedience to witness the gospel of Jesus Christ is to endure daily harrassment, beatings, burnings, jail, torture and even death for their refusal to deny Christ...and still "count it all joy."

    May God continue to bless you and Greg in the effort and simplicity of sharing the gospel with others. Encouraging post!

  5. Thanks for the comment, Paul. I agree wholeheartedly with your comment on those around the world who are being persecuted daily for their faith in Jesus Christ. Thinking on those things makes tract-handing-out a walk in the park.

    Just a side note to those who might be reading this comment. I had about 3 rejections to taking a gospel tract with 100+ people I approached that evening. Tract-handing-out is a good starting place in street evangelism.


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