Friday, July 16, 2010

Evangelism Evening 07/16/10

This Evangelism Evening I headed out to a parade. The Sherburne County Fair was going on, and they were starting this evening with a parade. Hundreds and hundreds of people lined the streets waiting for the parade to start, so I walked around and handed out gospel tracts while they waited. Unbeknownst to me, I wandered into the parade line up where the participants were waiting for the signal to join the parade procession. Again, lots and lots of people, just waiting, killing time. The energy of that particular crowd didn't really lend itself to one on one conversation (in my chicken estimation, anyway), but they happily took tracts from me.

Please pray the message of the gospel will be read and responded to by those who received it.

Reminder: If you're looking for a way to evangelize in your community. Find a gospel tract that you like, load up your pockets or purse, PRAY, and head out to a local parade about 45 minutes before it starts. This is a great way to "get your feet wet" in the world of evangelism. You won't find an easier venue than this.
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