Monday, August 16, 2010

Joe's Graduation Gift

About 4 years ago, we spent a couple Cookie Baking Nights making fleece blankets. The nieces and nephews each picked the color for the backing on their blankets (they all had the same pattern on the front) and then they tied the ends together themselves. The purpose of these blankets was to use them when we all watched a video together or during our Bible lesson time. Of course, all the kids wanted to take the blankets home with them that night, but I insisted that they stay at my house. Joe was 14 years old at the time and said, "When I graduate from high school, can I take mine to college with me?" I agreed that would be an acceptable time to take the blanket home. At the time it felt like that day was decades away, but it being only 4 years ago, it arrived in the blink of an eye.

Joe graduated from high school in June this year, so recently I gave him the blanket as a graduation gift. My mother-in-law was gracious enough to lend me her seamstress talents and machine-embroidered an inscription on the blanket.

You will find below a picture of the blanket and a close up of the inscription. The picture certainly doesn't do it justice, so I've included the words of the inscription as well.

Inscription reads: Joe Benton, June 2010, Happy Graduation! Remember, you're always welcome at Cookie Baking Night. I love you! Love, Aunt Katrina

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