Tuesday, November 1, 2011

He is God; I am Not

On days leading up to a conference at the end of this week, I've been reading some specific devotional material from Revive Our Hearts ministry. I'd like to share with you one day's reading in particular (the text for that day was Job 38). It is as follows:

"Have you ever in your life commanded the morning, and caused the dawn to know its place?" Job 38:12 (NASB)

We need to hear this question from God every time we forget that he is God and we are not. It is so easy to slip into a prideful spirit, protecting our own little kingdoms, thinking, I have it all under control, and if everyone else would get in line, things would run so much smoother!

When we attempt to take on God and challenge him with the injustice of our situation we can become like a child having a temper tantrum, screaming out accusations to a caring parent, "Why did you do that?!" Although Job wasn't screaming, and although he threw no fits and seemed rather patient, in his character was an accusation of injustice made against God. So in a barrage of more than eighty questions, God proceeded to move Job from his position of challenger to a much humbler place of speechlessness.

If we're not careful, our hearts and wounds will grow infected with resentment and self-pity. Out of our pain, we may strike back at Him with an accusatory "Why?!" We allow ourselves to ignore the truth of His Word--the fact that He cares for us and will never leave us or forsake us, that He desires to comfort us in our affliction--and instead we stand as His accuser. That's when we need to hear Him ask, "Have you ever in your life commanded the morning, and caused the dawn to know its place?"

We need to remind ourselves regularly, although I may imagine that I am right and have all the answers, I didn't cause the sun to rise this morning! He is God; I am not!

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