Wednesday, September 14, 2011

An Afternoon Project 09/14/11

Last Sunday, Charity, Emily, and Katelyn (young friends from church) came home with me after our morning church service. We ate lunch together, and they spent the afternoon helping me prepare a project for an upcoming church event. I didn't invite them over because I needed the help (though I certainly needed the help, and they were incredibly efficient and a huge help to me), but I invited them over because I enjoy their company AND projects such as these present opportunities to build relationships (and I'll take that any day over completing a project quickly). Conversation flows when women, young and old alike (relatively speaking, I would be the old in this particular scenario) are engaged in a hands-on project. As suspected, much conversation was had around the project table.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Katrina, for investing in the lives of these girls. I really appreciate your ministry!


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