Monday, June 21, 2010


A couple Sundays ago, we sang this song in the worship service at church. I love the words to this song, so I thought I'd share them with you.

Reconciled (by David Charpie)

No more at war with God. I stand in grace, His wrath appeased
His justice fully satisfied, hostilities have ceased
No fragile or uneasy truce marks this our conflict's end
All enmity has been erased, my God now calls me "friend"

A treaty of my own I could have never hoped to bring
No strength my own could shield me from the fury of the King
For I was the offender who rebelled and chose to sin
And He the Just Avenger who will every battle win

But Jesus Christ himself has made this peace on my behalf
His blood has paid sin's penalty no more I fear God's wrath
O sing the love that bade my sinning sole be reconciled
Though once a rebel I've been made the King of Heaven's child!

1 comment:

  1. Really great to read and let it sink in the soul..


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