Saturday, May 15, 2010

Evangelism Evening Part 2

My new friends, Betsy and Jane, picked me up on Saturday morning and we set out to share the gospel with people we met.

We started out at the local mall. We had a couple very good conversations about the gospel. We had a conversation with a man named Paul who had a variety of thoughts about what happens to a person when they die. We were able to share the gospel with him and leave him with some material to read and consider. We also spoke with a Christian woman named Dorine. She was 84 years old and shared her testimony of faith in Christ with us. She wanted to hear our testimonies as well. We were able to leave her with some books and materials to help her share the gospel with the people living in her apartment complex (as she said she likes to do).

At the mall, I had my first brush with a security guard. He saw me handing out tracts and told me I'm not allowed to hand out anything to anyone in the mall. I asked him a little bit about the mall policy and said I would call on Monday to talk to management about it so I'm clear on the rules and can comply with them. Since we really like to leave follow-up material with the people we share the gospel with (at least a tract) and we were now asked not to do that, we decided to move on to a new location.

We went to a laundry mat. There we were able to share the gospel with Lynn and Scott. They listened attentively and were grateful to receive material at the end of the conversation. As we were leaving, we had a conversation outside the laundry mat with a woman named Jennifer. She professed faith in Christ but seemed to need some encouragement in her current circumstances. Betsy shared some information with her about biblical counseling and offered to send her a few books. As we left Jennifer, she had tears in her eyes. She said, "I don't think that it's an accident that you talked to me today." We agreed. We told her that we prayed before we started out for the day and asked God to send us to the right people.

Please pray for all we spoke with today and for the seeds that were planted. We pray they will repent of their sins and put their trust in Christ alone for their salvation.

On a personal note:
At the end of our afternoon together, we stopped and had lunch at a very girly place and enjoyed soup, salads, dessert, and fellowship with believers. It was a grand time. I was greatly encouraged by my time spent with Betsy and Jane. On Friday night, I shared the gospel with kids at the skate park. On Saturday, mostly I observed Jane and Betsy as they shared the gospel. I learned how to share with gentleness and compassion and boldness. I am grateful to God for these new friends and for their passion to share the gospel with a lost and dying world.


  1. Hey Katrina, It was such a blessing to spend time with you this weekend. Jane and I were so encouraged! I forgot to tell you that I had a few friends back home praying while we were out this weekend .. can't wait to share with them how it went. The Body of Christ working together! We shared in our ABF today how our evangelism in the Cities went, and they were encouraged. Praise the Lord! Looking forward to how the Lord may use our team again in the future. Love in Christ, Betsy

  2. Hi Katrina

    It was a wonderful weekend, a huge blessing witnessing together. We were encouraged as Betsy said. I look forward to meeting up with you again so we can witness to more people.



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