Friday, May 28, 2010

Evangelism Evening 05/28/10

Tonight I headed out to a local festival (a couple towns over) called Wild West Days to hand out gospel tracts. Greg went with me, so I have a few pictures of the evening.

I handed out million dollar bill tracts and optical illusion tracts. They're very easy to give away.

When I handed out the million dollar bill tracts I usually said. "Here's a million dollars for you. Now, don't spend it all at the carnival." When they'd smile, I'd say, "There's a gospel message on back for you to read." Most people flipped it over immediately and started reading it when I said that.

As we were heading back to the vehicle, I passed a couple pushing a stroller, and I said, "I'm giving a million dollars to couples pushing strollers this evening." The man laughed and took the tract. When he looked at it more closely he said, "Hey, this isn't worth anything is it?" I said, "Yes. it is. It has a gospel message on the back that's priceless." He said, "Well I better put my reading glasses on then."

Pray for those who received gospel tracts this evening, that the gospel message will penetrate their hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that's exactly what we do when we hand out MDB's! We break the ice as we put out the offer by saying something humorous that relates to either what the people are doing or what they are saying (in earshot) and get them smiling as they receive the tract.

    Then, more often than not, we tell them that the gospel message on the back is priceless. They are usually quick to start reading it. In lots of cases, the situation turns into a gospel conversation.

    What a privilege and joy it is to serve the Lord in the simple task of handing out tracts!

    We are no better people than other Christians who don't take advantage of this privilege, but we think it safe to say that they have NO IDEA of the JOY they are missing out on.

    We praise God for the "work?" He had given you to do at the carnival and for Greg's support.

    Press on, Sister!

    Paul & Kim


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