Saturday, November 7, 2009


Tomorrow (November 8) is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Please remember our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world in your prayers. To learn more about the persecuted church and specific ways to help them or pray for them, I would recommend visiting the Voice of the Martyrs website at

There are two books I would recommend reading. They are very compelling books about the persecuted church. The first one is about the founder of Voice of the Martyrs, Richard Wurbrand, called Tortured for Christ. A free copy of this book is available on the Voice of the Martyrs website.

The other book contains 8 testimonies of different women around the world who have been persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. It is called Hearts of Fire. This book is also available for purchase at the Voice of the Martyrs website.

I have also included below a video made by the Voice of the Martyrs organization. It contains the testimony of a Christian woman in Pakistan.

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