Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Do Hard Things

I recently finished reading the book Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris. The subtitle of the book is A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations.

I liked the book. I thought they did a good job relaying history, explaining where and when the concept of a "teenager" began, and giving lots of examples from history and current times of teenagers who took on hard things. The authors are teenagers themselves, so that made the book real to the reader. The book is written from a Christian perspective and gives a pretty good gospel presentation at the end of it.

My niece Meghan (14) and I read it simultaneously (part of the Feed the Starving Teenagers program--more on that another day). Last week we got together to discuss the book. Meghan was very excited about it. It spurred her on to expect more from herself as a teenager and to want others to expect more from her as well. She's looking for a big project to do. We're brainstorming about that together.

My one concern about the book is that it could inadvertently encourage moralism (behaving well for the sake of behaving well-to be a better human being). Because of this concern, I think it's worth reading this book with a teenager, so you can have some discussion afterward.

In my discussion with Meghan, I was able to address that concern and present the gospel to her. She listened intently and was truly interested in the message. I'm grateful to God that He allowed that opportunity through the reading of this book. And I know that the intense interest this book stirred in Meghan will allow for more conversations of this nature in the future. To God be the glory!

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