Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Christmas Tradition

Yesterday was Christmas day. As per our family tradition, my family came over to celebrate with us. We ate a nice meal and exchanged gifts. It was a lovely time.

In the evening, our good friends, Joe and Kim, stopped by. It is a Christmas tradition we have been carrying on for about 8 years now. Every year they stop by after they finish celebrating with Joe's side of the family. We talk about our days and what our family celebrations were like. I look forward to that part of the day as much as I look forward to the family celebration.

Ultimately, the conversation always leads to Spiritual things, and that is the sweetest part of the day, talking about Jesus, talking about the Bible and how we can apply it to our lives.

We are not friends with this couple because we all have so much in common and we have not remained friends with them for that reason either. It is their hearts for God that draws us to them and keeps us in a lasting friendship with them.

Merry Christmas, Perfettos! We love you.

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