Monday, November 10, 2014

Cookie Baking Night 11/10/14

Tonight was Cookie Baking Night. In attendance this evening: Alli. We had a pretty big snow storm today (and still snowing). We got about 9 inches of snow before Cookie Baking Night started. Alli and her daddy (Dan) were the only ones who braved the elements and conditions this evening (I was surprised we had that many, actually).

The evening started with Alli buttering the garlic bread we had with our lasagna for supper. She did a great job. I think she's going to take after her mommy (Deena) in the cooking and baking area of life. She's a natural. 

Tonight we made a classic; the peanut butter cookie. 

We went old school on these little beauties and even flattened them down with a fork making a criss-cross pattern (Alli liked that part). 

For our Bible lesson this evening, we returned to the book we used last time it was just Alli and I together for the evening: Devotions for Little Boys and Girls (Old Testament) by Joan C. Webb. Our lesson was titled, "Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall" from Genesis 1:14-19. It was a fitting evening to talk about the four seasons and the fact that God created them all (along with the sun, moon, and stars). Alli enjoyed answering the questions at the end of the lesson and even sang for me a lovely rendition of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star."

As usual, a fun time was had by all!

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