Sunday, November 16, 2014

Babysitting Musings 11/15/14

Last night Greg and I did some babysitting for the youngest of our nieces and nephews: Alli (4), Rylar (2-1/2), Enzo (1).

Soon after arriving at our home, Enzo decided he needed to free his feet from the tyranny of socks. Apparently wanting to keep one hand free for other things, he found the perfect place to keep the sock that was in his hand (his mouth). This is the kind of thing that parents are appalled by but aunts and uncles find to be very funny (thus, the picture). 

After dinner was over and everyone was changed into their pajamas, we brought out the toys (something new to our household, toys that is. We've managed to survive 19 years of marriage without them and babysit children countless times, but for some reason, toys now seem necessary -- so off to WalMart I went). 

The Mickey Mouse tool set was pretty popular. Everyone wanted to try on the hard hat (with Mickey ears). 

And I mean everyone. 

Oh yeah, the safety glasses too. 


Enzo was so enamored with the hard hat that he would burst into giggles every time he was around it. I shot a short video to try to capture his glee. 

The blocks were also a popular toy. 

Just taking a little time to enjoy her masterpiece. 

When Greg and Enzo weren't exchanging hats and giggling, they just hung out together on the couch, relaxing. 

Or on the floor. 

Or on a chair. 

We're grateful to God for the opportunity to spend time with these little ones and to have a role in their lives. May He call them unto Him and may their lives (and ours) bring Him glory. 

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