Monday, September 23, 2013

Cookie Baking Night 09/23/13

Tonight was Cookie Baking Night. In attendance this evening: Ethan, Carissa, and Alli.

Greg has traveled so much this summer that he hasn't joined us at a Cookie Baking Night in quite some time (he usually eats supper with us on those nights).  It was good to have him with us tonight. 

Due to an unexpected change in schedule last night, I took a little detour from the "year of the cookie" and went with the ever so easy pumpkin bar for the evening. This recipe provides a lot of activity for the children, and they really enjoy it. 

As you can see (above) there is opportunity for measuring ...

Cracking eggs ...

Stirring batter ...

And don't forget frosting the bars and adding the candy pumpkins ...

Since we now have a younger one in our midst, we decided to change devotional books for the time being to allow for participation from everyone. (We'll return to God's Names by Sally Michael at another time). We're now reading "Sammy and His Shepherd" by Susan Hunt. This book takes a walk through Psalm 23. The subtitle of the book is "Seeing Jesus in Psalm 23". It is divided up into 11 small chapters and each chapter ends with discussion questions. Tonight we read chapter 1, "The Lord is My Shepherd: I Shall Not Want." 

We also found time to take a short walk and enjoy the beautiful fall weather this evening (Greg joined us on our walk, as well). It was a lovely time. 

As usual, a fun time was had by all. 

1 comment:

  1. What a joy that you shared this time with me. I loved it.


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