Saturday, August 13, 2011

Time With the Nieces

Last night Emily and Kylie, our nieces (cousins, not sisters), spent the night at our house. We took them to a family reunion today. The family reunion included an auction with "play money" we earned by bringing items for the auction, bringing food for the potluck, setting up, cleaning up, etc. So, we spent our evening preparing our auction items and food items. (There was a kid auction and an adult auction, so there was plenty for which to prepare).

First, the girls made fudge ("chocolate peanut butter fudge" and "candy bar fudge"--very tasty)

Next, they decorated boxes to hold the fudge which they had just made. (Side note: All night they were very giggly, as 10 and 11 year old girls tend to be, but while they were "creating" their projects---complete silence and concentration. It was lovely).

Then they decorated a pair of flip flops to put in the auction and added a little "bling" to the flip flops they currently own.

Blow up that air mattress! It's time for bed! We're exhausted! (okay, I was exhausted, anyway).

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