Monday, August 29, 2011

Cookie Baking Night 08/29/11

Tonight was Cookie Baking Night. In attendance this evening: Emily, Ethan, Carissa. We made peanut butter cookies (with a twist).
First we unwrapped several peanut butter cup candies (which in kid-world is an entire activity in and of itself).
Then we made the peanut butter cookie dough.
Next, we wrapped the cookie dough around the peanut butter cup and baked them per the usual instructions. It makes quite a tasty cookie, and it gives the kids plenty to do in the baking process.
Tonight we read lesson 53 titled "God's Children Love Him" from Leading Little Ones to God by Marian Schoolland. Ethan read John 12:1-3 for us from the Bible.
We also worked on our parachute project for The Voice of the Martyrs ministry. Tonight we glued the ribbons on the parachutes and wrote Spanish words on them: Dios es Amor = God is Love. We have now completed two parachutes.
As usual, a fun time was had by all.
At the end of the evening, a Cookie Baking Night alumni paid us a visit, our 19-year-old nephew (Emily's brother), Joe. It was fun to see him and visit with them.
Funny note from the evening:
For supper this evening, I made mashed potatoes, chicken gravy, and drop biscuits. Emily thought the biscuits looked like shortcake and asked if we were having strawberry shortcake. I told her they were biscuits, and she could put gravy over them if she would like. She immediately responded: "Mmmmm. Chicken shortcake. Sounds good!" All through supper she referred to the meal as "chicken shortcake" (I didn't see that one coming, but it definitely cracked me up).

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