Monday, June 17, 2013

Cookie Baking Night 06/17/13

Tonight was Cookie Baking Night. In attendance this evening: Ethan, Carissa, Emily, and Kylie (Kylie lives further away from us than the rest of the kids, so she isn't able to attend Cookie Baking Night very often. However, she was staying with Emily for the week, so she joined us tonight. It was good to have her along).

And as you may see from the photos below, energy abounded.

We made Ritz cracker cookies (I have no idea what these cookies are named, but I'm sure you've all seen them on Christmas cookie platters for years). We spread peaut peanut butter between two crackers and then dipped them in almond bark (chocolate and white). The children enjoyed this project, and the cookie was quite tasty. 

We also read from God's Names by Sally Michael. Tonight we learned the name Adonai meaning Lord. We also did some review of all the names we've learned so far. We are learning a lot about God's character through His names. 

We finished the night off with a couple games and called it an evening.

As usual, a fun time was had by all. 

1 comment:

  1. was nice to see kylie. was a while sence we seen her. Thanks for sharing.


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