Saturday, January 26, 2013

Happy Retirement Larry!

My Dad-Larry retired from his job as a custodian at a local school district (17+ years) on December 31. Today we celebrated with a little retirement party. 
Larry took on a pre-made family when he married my mom, as I was 16 and my brothers were 14 and 12 years old at the time. He has honored God by providing so faithfully for his family these many years, so today we wanted to honor him (and with a little arm twisting, he agreed to let us). It was a lovely day. 
We love you, Larry! Happy Retirement!
May God grow you in Him in this new season of life. 

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful,happy smile Thanks Greg and Katrina for Sharing and setting up suck a Great Day Touched By The Masters Hand.we Love you and greg...


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