Monday, January 28, 2013

Cookie Baking Night 01/28/13

 Tonight was Cookie Baking Night. In attendance this evening: Ethan and Carissa and special guest, Diana (Ethan and Carissa's mom). Diana joined us for supper, so I invited her to stay for the whole evening. It was fun to have her with us.

In accordance with our theme this year, "the year of the cookie". Tonight we followed the plan we made last time and made Oreo-stuffed chocolate chip cookies. 

Mmmmm. Yummy.

We also read our last lesson tonight from Leading Little Ones to God by Marian Schoolland. Lesson 86 was titled "Praise to God Forever". Ethan read the Bible portion of our lesson from Revelation 21:1-7. I highly recommend this book for your family. If you don't already own it, I encourage you to consider purchasing it.

It's a systematic theology for children divided into 14 parts:

1. Looking For God
2. God is Very Great
3. All That God Does is Good
4. Sin Spoiled the World
5. God's Law
6. God Loves Us
7. What Jesus Did
8. About the Holy Spirit
9. How We Become Children of God
10. How God's Children Live and Grow
11. God Helps His Children Live for Him
12. When We Pray to God
13. About God's Church
14. Things That Are to Happen

Each part has corresponding lessons to support it, and each lesson has corresponding Scripture passages to support it, 86 lessons in all. It's well worth your time.

Another successful Cookie Baking Night has come and gone and, as usual, a fun time was had by all.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!i enjoyed reading about it felt as though i was there.thanks for sharing the whole evening loved it.


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