Friday, December 28, 2012

Katrina's Musings (Anniversary)

Today we celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. Greg planned an overnight trip to Door County, Wisconsin (6+ hours from our home). When asked if I would like to spend most of the time at our destination or most of our time on the road, I chose "on the road" because real life happens on the road trip. It was a lovely time. I'm very grateful to God for Greg and for our marriage and for sustaining us these 18 years. May He be glorified for it. 

(P.S. Many couples are dependent upon a stranger taking their picture on trips such as these, if they both want to appear in the picture that is, but not us, my husband always travels with a tripod and his camera. We had ourselves a regular ol' photo shoot next to this lovely downtown tree). 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Evangelism Musings (Christmas Packs Update)

Christmas pack season is coming to a close, and I'm going to miss it. As mentioned in a previous post (click here to read), I fill my purse with these Christmas packs from the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas day and hand them out everywhere I go (gas station, grocery store, restaurant, coffee shop, drive-thru, bell ringers, etc.) Each pack contains a gospel tract, a message from me about the meaning of Christmas, and a few pieces of candy (and of course, I think it just makes good sense to make them look pretty with a ribbon and a cute sticker---if you're going to do this thing then let's do it well). I have found not an easier gospel-giving vehicle to exist during this time of year.

But, why do it? Answer: To share the gospel message (Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures...1 Corinthians 15:3-5). There are many ways to share the gospel. If you're doing one of those, then, Christian, carry on I say. If you're not, why not give this idea a try? Too late this year? Then there's always next year (and....Easter pack season is right around the corner :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Cookie Baking Night 12/17/12

Tonight was Cookie Baking Night. In attendance this evening: Ethan and Carissa. We made frosted sugar cookies, read lesson 84 from Leading Little Ones to God by Marian Schoolland titled "What Will Happen When Jesus Comes" (just 2 lessons left, and we will have completed the book), and took a short trip around the neighborhood to look at Christmas lights. 

Hmm. Does the color really matter when you plan to douse them in candy sprinkles anyway? I think not. 

As usual, a fun time was had by all.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Cookie Baking Musings

Tonight is an off night for Cookie Baking Night, but in Future Cookie Baking News, our nephew Rylar turned 1 year old last week. We celebrated with him and family on Sunday. In two more years, he will qualify to join us at Cookie Baking Nights. We look forward to his arrival.

(It's alright, you can say it, he's adorable)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Katrina's Musings (Niece & Nephew Christmas Party)

Today was our 9th annual Niece and Nephew Christmas Party. Once the children turn 3, this is our gift to them each year instead of traditional presents. In attendance this year: Kylie (13), Emily (12), Ethan (9), and Carissa (7).

This party has involved many different activities and many different themes. This year we decided to stay put in our home, and we went with the theme of "A Charlie Brown Christmas".

So, to do this theme right, we needed a "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree". We knew just the place for that. Greg's parents literally live in a pine tree forest. Because of that, they have many little trees growing up all the time. They graciously agreed to let us uproot one of these trees for our party.

Our 2-year-old niece, Allison, was at Grandma and Grandpa's house this morning, so she joined us in our tree hunting expedition (she also serves as a pretty good visual aid as to the size of the trees). 

 In this picture, Allison and I are next to the tree we chose.

Phil, my father-in-law, said he had a pot we could put the tree in instead of cutting it. We thought that sounded like a good idea, so Greg and Phil dug up the tree and potted it. And off it went to our home.

Once the children arrived at our home, I had them go to the "art room" and make paper chains with some decorative paper I had pre-cut for just the occasion. They didn't know what they were making the chains for, but they happily complied with my wishes.

After lunch, we watched "A Charlie Brown Christmas"in the basement, complete with movie concessions for purchase (25 cents each; pop, candy, and popcorn).

My favorite part about the choice of watching "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is that the true meaning of Christmas (a Savior is born; Christ the Lord) is defined (in a very basic form) within the movie and Scripture is quoted (Luke 2:8-14).

After the movie was over we went back upstairs and revealed our own "Charlie Brown tree" to decorate.

Our tree didn't have quite the spectacular transformation the Charlie Brown gang experienced, but it was definitely a well decorated tree (we used our paper chains, tiny Christmas bulbs, and Kylie even made a star for the top).

Next we decorated a Snoopy gingerbread dog house (I found a kit at WalMart that came complete with little gummy Snoopys).

Ethan is a fan of the "I love frosting" approach to decorating gingerbread.

Emily takes a similar decorating approach (both Ethan and Emily's houses actually collapsed under the weight of the frosting, which meant they could commence with eating, which was fine with them).

Kylie is pretty artistic and likes decorating in general. She takes the planned out approach. She comes up with a plan and executes from start to finish.

Carissa also has a plan. She is very specific about the colors she chooses and the kind of candy she uses to decorate it. She doesn't overdo it, but she doesn't stop until it's just right either.

Now, Uncle Greg, he's slow and methodical in his approach to gingerbread decorating. The engineer in him definitely comes out during this process. And he always produces a fine looking product.

Myself, I'm a fan of simple and colorful (pretty much the approach I take in most arenas of life).

This year, my mom sent along gifts for each of the children. A fan of themes (much like her daughter), my mom got everyone an apron (a very appropriate choice for the "Cookie Baking gang"). They really liked them. You may have noticed, they wore them while we decorated our gingerbread houses.

Another successful Christmas party has come and gone. As usual, a fun time was had by all. Merry Christmas nieces and nephews! We love you all.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Katrina's Musings (The Hired Help)

If I don't keep careful watch over my activities during the Christmas season, I could spend most of my time baking cute things. I used to host cookie exchanges and make lots and lots of candies and cookies and sell them at Christmas time. After God regenerated my heart, He started to change my focus at Christmas as well. At first, the change came in that I would pick a Christian charity (like Voice of the Martyrs) and all the proceeds from my baking sales would go toward that charity (I raised quite a bit of money that way). Slowly, as God shows me that my activities at Christmas time and my focus (obsession really) on baking speaks what I care about to the world, my baking activities have taken a back seat. I still have one "order" that I fill at Christmas time for 10 boxes of chocolate mice. This year, I sublet the job. I told my niece Emily that if she wanted to make the mice I would give her the proceeds (minus a small supply fee) from the job. She eagerly agreed. 

So, Emily came over to my house tonight, ate supper with us, and then we (some me, mostly she) made the 10 boxes of mice. It was good for her to see all that is involved in "completing an order". She will receive $40.00 for her efforts this evening, and she earned every penny of it. 

First, you sort out the "ears" (sliced almonds)

Then you unwrap the "heads" (Hershey kisses)

Then you dip the cherry in melted almond bark as the "body", put the cherry and the candy and the almonds together to form the mouse. 

Then you decorate them with "holly and berries" (frosting)

Then you box them up and send them on their way. 

Good job, kiddo!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Evangelism Musings (Christmas Packs)

Ahh, it's Christmas pack season again. (I love Christmas pack season). I make up several of these "Christmas packs" and hand them out starting the day after Thanksgiving through Christmas day. I keep my purse loaded with them at all times. I hand them out everywhere I go, every time I make a purchase somewhere (grocery store, gas station, etc.) or sometimes I just hand them to people as I'm walking into stores (I also give them to the bell ringers if I put money in one of their buckets). I simply hand them to a person and say "This is for you. Merry Christmas!"

Each pack contains a gospel tract, a couple pieces of candy, and a half sheet of paper with the following info:

"Peace on earth. Goodwill to men." That's a popular phrase this time of year. Do you know where it comes from? It comes from the Bible. Many people think of peace as the absence of conflict or the absence of fighting, but the peace spoken of int he Bible is much greater than that. "Peace on earth. Goodwill to men" refers to peace between you and God. It's the message the angels brought to the shepherds in the field the night Jesus was born on this earth. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill toward men!" Luke 2:14. It's the message we proclaim when we sing that classic Christmas carol Hark the Herald Angels Sing ("Peace on earth and mercy mild. God and sinners reconciled). Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ was born on this earth. He came here to provide us with the peace of reconciliation with God. That is why we celebrate Christmas. 

 I have provided two things for your today: 

 A treat (Merry Christmas! Enjoy!) 
A gospel tract (my hope is that you will read the message in the tract and spend some time considering it today). 

 Merry Christmas and enjoy your day!

This is a very easy time of year to spread the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ, and this is an easy vehicle for doing that. Even if you don't do a lot of Christmas shopping, errands abound this time of year, more trips here and there for various reasons. It's a good time of year to think outside the box in terms of evangelism.

(My purse filled with Christmas Packs)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Birthday Musings

Today, my niece Kylie turns 13 years old. Tomorrow Emily will be 12. A couple weekends ago I took the birthday cousins out for a birthday adventure. Often, I ask them what they want to do, but this year I went with the element of surprise. They knew we would be spending the day together, but that's all they knew. 

For their birthdays this year we went on a chocolate scavenger hunt. At the beginning of our trip, I gave them each a bag to collect items,$20.00, and a list of items they needed to obtain/complete by the end of the day. For a little healthy competition, they competed against me in this little game. 

Here's the list of items we had to obtain/complete: 

 • Chocolate in the shape of a flower
 • A picture of you giving a piece of chocolate to someone over 6 feet tall
 • Chocolate in a neon green wrapper
 • A picture of you eating a piece of chocolate next to a bear
 • A piece of fruit-flavored chocolate
 • A piece of chocolate with a weird ingredient in it
 • Something chocolate dipped
 • A piece of white chocolate
 • A picture of you giving a piece of chocolate to a gas station employee
 • A piece of chocolate from another country
 • A piece of chocolate in the shape of an animal
 • A piece of dark chocolate
 • A chocolate bar with a funny name
 • A picture of yourself giving chocolate to someone in an orange shirt/coat
 • A picture of yourself standing in front of a chocolate shop
 • A chocolate vegetable
 • A chocolate insect
 • A picture of yourself smiling in a chocolate shop
 • Proof you visited at least three chocolate shops today
 • The name of every chocolate shop you visited
 • A picture of you at every chocolate destination you visited today
 • A picture of the word “chocolate”
 • A picture of yourself eating a chocolate dessert at a restaurant
 • An “unusual” piece of chocolate
 • Some Godiva chocolate
 • A picture of you with a chocolate shop employee

This is us (Katrina, Kylie, Emily) at the beginning of our adventure.

Picture of "the word "chocolate"

Picture of "yourself eating a piece of chocolate next to a bear"

Picture of "yourself giving chocolate to someone in an orange shirt" 

Picture of "yourself giving chocolate to a gas station employee"

Picture of "yourself eating a chocolate dessert in a restaurant"

Picture "in front of one of the visited destinations that day" (This was a Hallmark store in a mall where we picked up some Godiva chocolate). 

Picture of "yourself giving chocolate to someone over 6 feet tall" (The Bubba Gump shrimp mascot)

Picture of "yourself smiling in a chocolate shop" (okay, Kylie is smiling and Emily is almost smiling, close enough). 

Picture of the girls "with an employee of a chocolate shop". This particular "employee" of the Droolin' Moose happened to be the owner. We told her what we were doing there, which also broke the ice and allowed the girls to become brave enough to ask to get their picture taken with her. She was intrigued by our adventure and gave each of the girls a free T-shirt. She then became forever endeared to them. It was, by far, their favorite stop of the day. (And I was ever so appreciative of her kindness). 

This is our collection of items for the day. The girls won the contest (they did/got everything on the list). And we all had a lot of fun along the way.  

My friend, Kim, gave me the idea of adding things to the list like "giving chocolate to someone else". I recommend including that element in your scavenger hunts. It kept the day from becoming too self-focused, added a challenge, and forced us to learn how to communicate with other people. 

It was a fun day with the nieces. Happy Birthday, Girls!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Cookie Baking Night 11/26/12

Tonight was Cookie Baking Night. In attendance this evening: Ethan and Carissa. We made pumpkin bread using the pumpkin we cooked in the oven a few weeks ago (I had it in the freezer until tonight). Click here to read the pumpkin-baking post. The kids still had a hard time understanding that we were using the whole pumpkin, cooked, and not just the insides of it even though they saw the whole process with their own eyes. Ahh, the cooked pumpkin, a mysterious concept indeed.
This we could all agree on: It smelled delicious while it was baking, and it tasted yummy.

We also read lessons 82 and 83 from Leading Little Ones to God by Marian Schoolland. We have only 3 lessons left and we'll have completed the book. Ethan read Revelation 1:4-7 for us from the Bible.

As usual, a fun time was had by all.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Evangelism Musings (Black Friday FollowUp)

On Thanksgiving Day, I recruited a couple laborers at our Thanksgiving feast, and they helped me put together 120 packs to give out on Black Friday. Each pack contained a granola bar or equivalent thereof, a gospel tract, a personal message about the meaning of Christmas, and our church business card/gospel tract. Click here (or scroll down the page) to read the original post and the contents of the Christmas messages.

My friend put together 120 packs as well, and this morning (at the early hour of 4:00 am) we headed out to two local businesses and distributed them all in the matter of an hour (with about 15 minutes travel time between the two places). We found people to be very receptive. We usually approached them by saying "We wanted to be your first giveaway of the day. Merry Christmas!" Only a handful of people (less than 10) said "No. Thank you." And that's as "rude" as it got this morning. We praise God for His protection and for letting us put the gospel message into so many hands in such a short period of time.  May He receive the honor due His name. 

Christian, you can do this. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Evangelism Musings (Upcoming Black Friday)

Black Friday is just around the corner--an evangelistic opportunity in our backyards. For a couple years now, a friend and I have put together some bags, arisen in the dark of the morning, and went to the masses standing in line to get into the stores. I'm posting this at the early part of the week because it's not too late to do something. Feel free to use this idea or come up with another one. Many, many gospel opportunities exist within that day.

Here's what we do:
We assemble small plastic baggies that contain:
  • a gospel tract (the good news of Jesus Christ)
  • a treat (sustenance for the weary shopper)
  • our church business card (should God call them unto Him and regeneration occur in their hearts, they'll need a good church to attend)
  • a personal message
I have two messages that I've written and use in my "Christmas packs" during this season. I'm posting them both here for your consideration. Use them, change them, ignore them as you wish. 

Message A

Christmas is the season of giving! Today, you stand in line waiting on the generosity of others. Today, we visit you because of the generosity of someone else. We celebrate Christmas because over 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ showed great generosity toward all mankind when He (fully God ) came to this earth and took on human form (fully man). It is a gift beyond comprehension. The Bible speaks of this gift in the book of Philippians. “Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though He was in the form of God, did not count equality a thing to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:5-10

We have provided for you today two things:

 • A treat (to enjoy while you’re out and about starting your Christmas shopping)
 • A gospel tract (our hope is that you will read the message in the tract and spend some time considering it today).

 Merry Christmas and enjoy your day! 

Message B

“Peace on earth. Goodwill to men.” That’s a popular phrase this time of year. Do you know where it comes from? It comes from the Bible. Many people think of peace as the absence of conflict or the absence of fighting, but the peace spoken of in the Bible is much greater than that. “Peace on earth. Goodwill to men” refers to peace between you and God. It’s the message the angels brought to the shepherds in the field the night Jesus was born on this earth. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill toward men!.” Luke 2:14 . It’s the message we proclaim when we sing that classic Christmas carol Hark the Herald Angels Sing (“Peace on earth and mercy mild. God and sinners reconciled). Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ was born on this earth. He came here to provide us with the peace of reconciliation with God. That is why we celebrate Christmas.

I have provided two things for you today:

 • A treat (Merry Christmas! Enjoy!)
 • A gospel tract (my hope is that you will read the message in the tract and spend some time considering it today).

 Merry Christmas and enjoy your day!


I'll report later about the day. Please feel free to share your ideas with me. May God be glorified through our gospel efforts and, if it pleases Him to do so, may hearts be regenerated and lives changed, and may Jesus Christ receive the full honor due His name.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Cookie Baking Musings

Tonight is an off night for Cookie Baking, so I thought I would share a story from last time. As we were finishing up supper, we were talking about how Allison (our youngest niece) will be old enough to join us for Cookie Baking Nights in August (the official start age is 3).

I said, "We'll need to be patient with her and show her the rules."

Emily said, "Okay, but we don't really have many rules here at Cookie Baking Night. Well,  just the normal ones like the Ten Commandments and don't run with scissors."

Yep. That pretty much sums it up, I guess ... just the normal ones.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cookie Baking Night 11/12/12

Tonight was Cookie Baking Night. In attendance this evening: Emily, Ethan, and Carissa. Tonight was Emily's birthday choice. The birthday honoree always chooses what we have for supper and the cookie we bake that night. For supper, Emily chose mashed potatoes, hamburger gravy, green bean casserole, and pineapple. For her cookie, she chose a cute little turkey cookie that we saw in one of those grocery aisle cookbooks. (Her birthday isn't until the end of the month, but we moved up her birthday choice night so she could have the cookies in time for Thanksgiving). 

This particular project took a little prep on my part. I cut out (with a flower-shaped cookie cutter) the cookies and baked them the day before. 

Another tip: Grocery stores with bakeries in them will often sell you colored frosting they use to decorate cakes. I purchased the colors we needed from the local bakery and filled the pastry bags the night before as well.

The children did a great job. It was their first time using pastry bags (and, personally, I was a little nervous about it). Their years of training as bakers showed in this project. They did a great job sharing the frosting and using the pastry bags, and they had no problem assembling all the little pieces this recipe required. 

As you can see, the cookies are really cute! (you can even tell they are turkeys, another concern of mine).

Most of our time this evening was spent on this project. However, we did manage to squeeze in Lesson 81 from Leading Little Ones to God by Marian Schoolland titled "Bringing Others To Church". We also read from John 1. This lesson spurred on some great gospel conversation (I share the gospel message every chance I get at Cookie Baking Nights). I could see wheels turning and heads thinking. I pray God regenerates the hearts.

As usual, a fun time was had by all!

Tonight I got my hair cut for the first time in 14 months. It's a strange and fascinating thing to watch your hair grow back from scratc...