Monday, March 7, 2011

My Favorite Podcasts

There are several Christian podcasts that I listen to weekly (some of them daily), and I enjoy them very much. I thought I would share them with you today. Each podcast I list will contain a link to the website associated with the ministry, and you can find out more information about it from the website if you wish. Most of the podcasts I listen to, I located through iTunes, so that is another option for you.
The Christian Worldview is a weekly podcast (with host David Wheaton) that focuses on viewing all of life's circumstances through a biblical lens. Their tag line is "Think Biblically, Live Accordingly". I highly recommend this podcast for every Christian.
Wretched Radio is a daily podcast (2-hour show), with host Todd Friel, that focuses on theology and evangelism in every day life. This particular podcast is not free, there is a monthly membership fee involved, which I find to be worth it.
Revive Our Hearts is a daily podcast (30-minute broadcast) with host Nancy Leigh DeMoss. This podcast is a teaching ministry for women. It offers many opportunities for practical application of the Scripture in our daily lives.
The White Horse Inn podcast is a weekly (30-minute) theology podcast with several hosts, each from a different Christian tradition. Each year, this program picks a theme to work through on the show. This year the theme is the The Great Commission. It is definitely worth tuning into.
The Please Convince Me podcast is a weekly (60-minute) apologetic podcast with host J Warner Wallace. The host was an atheist until he was in his 30's, and he is a cold-case homicide defective, so he brings a unique perspective to his apologetic ministry. It is definitely worth tuning into.
The Bible Baptist Church podcast is another one of my favorites. It is a podcast of the teaching and preaching ministry of the church at which I am a member. There is a podcast offered for the Sunday morning service, Christian Education (CE) hour, Sunday evening service, and Thursday evening Bible Study each week. It is biblically sound teaching, I highly recommend checking it out.
Any you would care to share with me?

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