Monday, March 28, 2011

Cookie Baking Night 03/28/11

Tonight was Cookie Baking Night. In attendance this evening: Emily, Ethan, and Carissa. Today is Diana's birthday. Diana is Ethan and Carissa's mom. Friday is Rob's birthday. Rob is Emily's dad. In honor of them, we decided to make birthday cupcakes.
First we mixed up the batter and poured it into the cupcake pan. Then we made some frosting to go on the cupcakes.
While the cupcakes were baking and then cooling, we made birthday signs to stick in the cupcakes.
Then we frosted the cupcakes. We decorated a few of them with the birthday signs we made. The rest we decorated with sprinkles.
And there you have it---birthday cupcakes. Happy Birthday Diana and Rob!
As usual, a fun time was had by all!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Preparation for Easter

The past several years, I've spent at least the preceding month before Easter focusing on Christ in my daily Bible reading time or in other focused activities around that time (i.e., memorizing Scripture, a specific devotional book).

A couple ideas for you:

  1. This year, a friend and I are memorizing Isaiah 53 during this month leading up to Resurrection Day. John 1 (or a section of it) would be another excellent passage to memorize for this occasion.
  2. Ladies, Nancy Leigh DeMoss (from Revive Our Hearts ministry) is focusing her teaching on the book The Incomparable Christ by J Oswald Sanders over the next month. She recommends getting the book and reading a chapter each day while following along with her teachings on her daily radio broadcast.

What will you do to focus on Christ during this time?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Psalm 131

I'm going to memorize this little gem:

Psalm 131

O LORD, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high
I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me.
But I have calmed and quieted my soul like a weaned child with its mother,
Like a weaned child is my soul within me.

O Israel, hope in the LORD from this time forth and forevermore.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Week of Prayer

No Cookie Baking Night tonight. We're having a focused week of prayer at our church this week with a prayer meeting scheduled Monday night thru Thursday night. I canceled cookie baking night, so I can participate in the prayer meetings. Look for a report of the next Cookie Baking Night on March 28.

You can expect a bit of a detour from the regularly scheduled blog this week as well.

Monday, March 7, 2011

My Favorite Podcasts

There are several Christian podcasts that I listen to weekly (some of them daily), and I enjoy them very much. I thought I would share them with you today. Each podcast I list will contain a link to the website associated with the ministry, and you can find out more information about it from the website if you wish. Most of the podcasts I listen to, I located through iTunes, so that is another option for you.
The Christian Worldview is a weekly podcast (with host David Wheaton) that focuses on viewing all of life's circumstances through a biblical lens. Their tag line is "Think Biblically, Live Accordingly". I highly recommend this podcast for every Christian.
Wretched Radio is a daily podcast (2-hour show), with host Todd Friel, that focuses on theology and evangelism in every day life. This particular podcast is not free, there is a monthly membership fee involved, which I find to be worth it.
Revive Our Hearts is a daily podcast (30-minute broadcast) with host Nancy Leigh DeMoss. This podcast is a teaching ministry for women. It offers many opportunities for practical application of the Scripture in our daily lives.
The White Horse Inn podcast is a weekly (30-minute) theology podcast with several hosts, each from a different Christian tradition. Each year, this program picks a theme to work through on the show. This year the theme is the The Great Commission. It is definitely worth tuning into.
The Please Convince Me podcast is a weekly (60-minute) apologetic podcast with host J Warner Wallace. The host was an atheist until he was in his 30's, and he is a cold-case homicide defective, so he brings a unique perspective to his apologetic ministry. It is definitely worth tuning into.
The Bible Baptist Church podcast is another one of my favorites. It is a podcast of the teaching and preaching ministry of the church at which I am a member. There is a podcast offered for the Sunday morning service, Christian Education (CE) hour, Sunday evening service, and Thursday evening Bible Study each week. It is biblically sound teaching, I highly recommend checking it out.
Any you would care to share with me?

Tonight I got my hair cut for the first time in 14 months. It's a strange and fascinating thing to watch your hair grow back from scratc...