I teach the 3-6 year old children during the Christian Education hour (aka Sunday School) at church each week. This year three young ladies (Katelyn, Charity, and Emily) will be taking turns helping me during class time each each week. They will be spending their time assisting me with class (which is very helpful to me) and learning the craft of teaching a class of young students through hands-on experience.
Today, Katelyn and Charity and I met at church for a Christian Education work day.
We spent the day sorting through past curriculum materials and organizing them, preparing materials for a bulletin board idea, and painting a display board for our verses bulletin board.
In our class we work on memorizing passages of Scripture instead of partial verses each week. In the past, we've memorized Psalm 8, and we just finished reviewing Psalm 139:1-4. I always tell the children....."We are hiding God's word in our hearts......it's like we're storing these verses in a little file cabinet in our heart to help us to know God and to know His character." So, Katelyn and Charity helped me paint a large heart onto a display board (which I painted to look like a file cabinet). We will be posting the passages on this board as we memorize them throughout the year.
It was a very profitable time concerning the amount of work we accomplished in preparing for this year's class time. It was also profitable in conversation and fellowship. Forever thinking in the teaching mode, I brought in my iPod and speakers so we could listen to the "Witness Wednesday" section of Wretched Radio as we worked. Those segments include Todd Friel visiting a local college campus in his area and sharing the gospel with the students he meets there. It was a catalyst for some great conversation and thought processing as we heard the gospel proclaimed to others.
I had a most enjoyable time with these two young ladies today and look forward to spending more time with them throughout the coming year. I'm excited to see how God will work in my life, the life of Katelyn, Charity, and Emily, and the young children of the Bible Baptist Church 3-6 year old CE class this year. May He be greatly glorified!