Friday, July 19, 2024

Cancer Musings (Radiation Treatment #14-Conversations)

Today was radiation treatment #14. Due to a computer update issue that affected the equipment used in the radiation treatments, the afternoon appointments were running behind today. I was taken back for the appointment an hour after the time it was supposed to start. This is highly unusual for this office. They have been very timely with appointments up to this point.

The hidden gem in the delay of the appointment (and the beauty of God's plan) was that I got to visit with women from the appointment ahead of me and the appointment behind me. 

Both women told me pieces of their breast cancer stories. Some details were the same as mine, some were different. I enjoyed talking with both of them, hearing their stories, getting to know them, and sharing common ground. 

At the end of both conversations, I asked the same question. "How are you doing with this experience, emotionally?" I was meaning the cancer experience. Both women had emotional reactions to the question. The first said she hadn't cried much through the whole experience (a little in the beginning, not at all through chemo), but the radiation experience has brought on tears. The second woman's eyes immediately welled up with tears at the question. She was still in the "mapping" and "dry run" portion of the experience and wouldn't have her first radiation treatment until next week. She spoke about chemo being physically awful but not as emotional as the beginning of this radiation process has been. 

It was interesting to all of us to realize that we shared this common denominator. We all agreed that confusion around what the process would entail and lack of explanation throughout the process increased the emotions around it. I think it was enlightening (and comforting) to all of us to know we were not alone in our feelings. I think we had been feeling a bit alone up to that point. 

I am grateful to God that He used this unusual interruption in the day to allow me to meet these two women and hear their stories. There are no accidents. God is in control of it all and uses it all for His purposes and for His glory.

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