Monday, June 8, 2020

Cookie Baking Night 06/08/20

After an unexpected hiatus (aka worldwide pandemic--COVID 19), we have returned to Cookie Baking Nights. Last we left off, we were all heading to Florida for a family vacation, but that has been postponed for the time being.

Uncle Greg and I did have some unexpected visitors to our neighborhood during that week, which was a bright spot in a very unusual (stay at home, literally) vacation -- social distancing and all.

We tried out a few Zoom meetings during our regularly scheduled Cookie Baking Nights in April and May---not my recommended method of communication with an audience 
mostly under the age of 10. 

The state of Minnesota opened the state up to group gatherings of 10 or more people recently, so tonight we resumed Cookie Baking Nights as we once knew them (but with a lot more hand washing). 

In attendance this evening was Carissa, Allison, Rylar, and Enzo.

It was very hot outside tonight (90+ degrees), so we made treats that didn't involve turning on the oven.

We made M&M Chex Bars

Ahh, the ever popular ingredients tower

And we made Rice Krispies bars

Our Bible lesson tonight was about how the Bible was written (by God through men) and how it is divided into two sections for the two covenants God made with his people. The Bible is divided into the Old Testment and the New Testament.

To wrap our heads around that concept we played a game where we searched out cups with the names of each book of the Bible on them and we put them in order from Old Testament to New Testament. 

At the end of this very warm evening, we spent some time playing with water. 

As the saying goes "a picture is worth a thousand words". In this case, at least 7 of those words are "a fun time was had by all." 

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