Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Katrina's Musings (A Visit With A Friend)

My young friend, Katelyn, and her family were in town visiting last week (they moved to North Carolina about two years ago). It was a fun day. We made a visit to a chocolate shop in the twin cities area and then had lunch together. I think I was supposed to be with her for about an hour or two, which we managed to cram into about 4 hours (too many things to catch up on). I'm grateful for the relationship God has given us, and I look forward to seeing what He does in Katelyn's life as she moves from girl to teenager to young woman.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! 2 years does make a difference a great blessing.


Today was a beautiful, unseasonably warm April day in Minnesota. The thermometer hit 81 degrees. I also had an unusual amount of energy for ...