Friday, January 13, 2012

30-Day Challenges

As mentioned in previous posts, I will be spending this month blogging about last year and looking ahead to some plans for the year to come. If I had to name one radio ministry that I gleaned the most from in 2011, it would have to be Revive our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss. This particular ministry is geared toward women and offers much in the way of tools for growing in your faith. One tool I utilized this year was "The 30-day challenge". This ministry offers several of them including "The 30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge", "The 30-Day Choosing Gratitude Challenge", "The 30-Day TV Free Challenge", "31-Days of Praying For Your Pastor" and others. I did the "30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge" and "30-Day Choosing Gratitude Challenge". The website provides printable downloads for each challenge. I printed off the downloads and pasted them into my journal so I had them in one place and could work through them day by day. I found them very encouraging and (as the name implies) challenging! I only made it halfway through the gratitude challenge in December so will be repeating that this year as well as checking out one of the other challenges. Ladies, I highly encourage you to check out this resource. Click here to find the information you need to participate in one of these challenges.

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