Sunday, June 14, 2009

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were the pagen names given to these four Jewish boys when they were taken from Jerusalem and put in captivity in Babylon. They left Jerusalem with names that honored God. (Daniel 1:1-7)

Daniel means "God is my judge." He was renamed Belteshazzar meaning "Bel protect the king" (Bel was a pagan god).

Hananiah means "The Lord is gracious." He was renamed Shadrach meaning "command of Aku" (Aku was a Babylonian god).

Mishael means "Who is like the Lord?" He was renamed Meshach, meaning "Who is what Aku is?"

Azariah means "The Lord is my helper." He was renamed Abednego, meaning "servant of Nego" (a god of vegetation).

I was thinking: How is it that when children's songs were created to help us remember this story, it is the pagen names that are highlighted and not the names that honor God. Are we doing a disservice to our young people by giving them part of the story and not the whole counsel of God straight from the book of Daniel?

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