Monday, May 13, 2019

Cookie Baking Night 05/13/19

Tonight was Cookie Baking Night. In attendance this evening: Allison, Rylar, and Enzo.
Toinght we made peanut butter pretzel bars.

Crushing the pretzels is the probably "the most fun part"

It was a beautiful spring evening, so we went for a walk through the neighborhood (and picked up a few sticks along the way). 

The most exciting part of the evening was watching Uncle Greg repair a few sprinkler heads in the yard. 

He even let us help. It was the thrill of the evening. 

Allison said, "Uncle Greg is so fascinating. I could watch him all night." 


Another Cookie Baking Night has come and gone and, as usual, a fun time was had by all. 

Today is the first Wednesday in three months that I didn't have to go into the clinic for a chemo infusion, and I am so happy about that...