Monday, July 8, 2019

Cookie Baking Night 07/08/19

Tonight was Cookie Baking Night. In attendance this evening: Allison, Rylar, Enzo. Tonight we made chocolate covered marshmallows. It's a crowd favorite.

First, we covered a foam block in tin foil, so we would have somewhere to poke the marshmallow sticks. 

Next, we put sticks into the marshmallows. 

Then, we decorated.

The finished product

It was a beautiful night, so we took a walk to the local gas station for a treat. 

Uncle Greg joined us. 

Another beautiful summer evening. Another Cookie Baking Night has come and gone. And ... as usual, a fun time was had by all. 

Today is the first Wednesday in three months that I didn't have to go into the clinic for a chemo infusion, and I am so happy about that...